Flavored vs. Infused Cigars
Q: What is the difference between flavored and infused cigars?
A: Most flavored cigars are machine-made and utilize different types of syrups to create a particular flavor. The flavored syrup is usually applied length-wise on the binder before the cigar is finalized with a wrapper leaf. This method tends to create burn and draw issues if the syrup is not properly applied and is a cost-effective way of creating flavored sticks. The infusion process, however, remains the most premium and effective method for adding unique characteristics and flavors to a cigar that aren't naturally present in the tobacco leaves. The leaves are hung in curing rooms while different types of herbs and botanicals are sprayed in with the humidity. The tobacco leaves in each cigar then absorb the humidity and naturally take on the flavor of the particular herb being used. Manufacturers tend to regularly infuse tobacco with premium cognac and different types of coffee, although Drew Estate is currently the leader in infused cigars as they still maintain a secret process, creating flavors and nuances that have yet to be duplicated.
- Cigar.com